
Topgis Engineering

About Us

Our teams perform topographic measurements, both from the ground and from the air, we use topographic drones, 3D laser scanners, total stations and GNSS equipment. Whether you need to set the boundaries of your building, or you plan to build a house, a hall, a block of flats, a road, a bridge, you need topographic measurements. Our goal is to reproduce (in the form of plans, point clouds, BIM) as accurately as possible the reality on the ground and the most accurate drawing of technical projects in the field.

What does this mean?
  • On the cause / effect model, through topographic measurements both the efficiency and effectiveness of real estate projects increase.
  • Efficiency: through precision, cost control, time management;
  • Effectiveness: safety of a job well done;
  • In short, we are the first to enter the site - through topographic technical assistance works and the last to leave - the investment must be entered in the land book, the circle of measurements being thus closed.
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Topographic measurements

Do you have questions? Call:+40 767 104 330


Topgis Team

Topgis Engineering

We support homeowners, real estate developers, heritage authorities and construction companies

The Numbers Speak For Us


Visits on Work Sites


Topographic Documentations


Photogrammetric projects & 3D scanning


Satisfied customers

Top services

The quality of the services offered, our professionalism and portfolio recommend us. Our values ​​are found both in the professionalism we demonstrate on site, and in the expertise with which we treat each project separately.

Quality assurance


+40 767 104 330


Bihorului Street, no. 2, bl. 17, sc. A, ap. 1 Brașov




Whether you need to set the boundaries of your building, or you plan to build a house, a hall, a block of flats, a road, a bridge, you need topographic measurements.

Our goal is to reproduce (in the form of plans, point clouds, BIM) as accurately as possible the reality on the ground and the most accurate drawing of technical projects in the field.

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