topgis (3)

About the green cadastre

The green cadastre is a computer system for registration and registration of green spaces, located in the built-up area of ​​a locality, used in many cities around the world.

  • Topgis Engineering is able to develop an information system for green areas by identifying, measuring, inventorying and mapping land defined as green spaces, as well as collecting specific information on tree species and existing vegetation, with quantitative and qualitative indices.
  • The data and information mentioned above will be contained in a register, called the local greenfield registry, related to the intravilan territory of the locality for which it is drawn up.

You can call us at any time:

+40 767 104 330

What does the Green Cadastre Help?

Collect millions of points in seconds with an accuracy of a few mm. Good management of the potential of green spaces with implications for safety and quality of life
Protect and conserve green areas to maintain their biodiversity
When developing and applying a set of measures to bring and maintain green spaces in a state appropriate to their functions, in order to protect the health of the population and protect the environment
In the extension of the green areas, by including in green public areas the ecological potential or the socio-culture


+40 767 104 330


Bihorului Street, no. 2, bl. 17, sc. A, ap. 1 Brașov




Whether you need to set the boundaries of your building, or you plan to build a house, a hall, a block of flats, a road, a bridge, you need topographic measurements.

Our goal is to reproduce (in the form of plans, point clouds, BIM) as accurately as possible the reality on the ground and the most accurate drawing of technical projects in the field.

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