top-gis (3)

Engineering topography works offered

Topographic works precede, accompany and complete any building process, the topographic specialist is actually the binder between the project and the execution.

  • reference networks for building tracing and monitoring;
  • drawing quota 0;
  • drawing and verification of building axes;
  • tracing and checking of building elements (axes of foundation, insulation of reinforcements, etc.);
  • verticalization poles vertical verification poles;
  • calculations and checks of fill and excavation volumes;
  • verifying by topographical methods the thickness of the ballast, concrete and asphalt layers.

You can call us at any time:

+40 767 104 330

Works on SIte

Știm dacă elementele constructive verificate sunt conforme cu proiectul pus în execuție. We know if the checked design elements are in line with the project being executed
We contribute to cost and execution time efficiency
We participate in observing site estimates that are under construction or are going to be executed


+40 767 104 330


Bihorului Street, no. 2, bl. 17, sc. A, ap. 1 Brașov




Whether you need to set the boundaries of your building, or you plan to build a house, a hall, a block of flats, a road, a bridge, you need topographic measurements.

Our goal is to reproduce (in the form of plans, point clouds, BIM) as accurately as possible the reality on the ground and the most accurate drawing of technical projects in the field.

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