topgis (1)

About the plot plan

The plot plan is the free representation of a land that contains the boundaries of all the buildings in the land and the stable details of the land that they own; the plot plan becomes a cadastral plan after the reception and assignment of cadastral numbers by the Office of Cadastre and Real Estate Advertising.

  • The surface of the agricultural cooperative production is the result of: ownership documents, land register, cadastre, cooperative registration applications, agricultural register from the date of entering the cooperative, cooperative evidence or, failing that, any other evidence, including witness statements.
  • The possession and the release of the titles of ownership to the entitled persons shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the Land Fund Law, Law 18/1991, 1/2000, 247/2005.

You can call us at any time:

+40 767 104 330

What is the Land Plan for?

On acquiring title of ownership
Each building will be identified in the field based on stereo coordinates 70
When entering the civil circuit by signing up in the land register


+40 767 104 330


Bihorului Street, no. 2, bl. 17, sc. A, ap. 1 Brașov




Whether you need to set the boundaries of your building, or you plan to build a house, a hall, a block of flats, a road, a bridge, you need topographic measurements.

Our goal is to reproduce (in the form of plans, point clouds, BIM) as accurately as possible the reality on the ground and the most accurate drawing of technical projects in the field.

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